Java Lesson 01 - Programming Languages Basic

Why we use programming languages ?

I will take the entrance to give an answer to above question. We are working all the with problems. We have to face many problems. Hardware problems, hardware communication problems, problems regarding on user interaction with system, etc. So wee need some kind of language to deal with this issues with our computer. Computer cannot unserstand human languages. So wee need to give an instruction in Computer understandable language. That's why We need computing languages.

Problem Solving methodologies

There are few types of problem solving methodologies.

1. Hill‐climbing strategy
In this Step We attempt to be closed to the goal. Every Steps are taken to be closed to our goal.
2. Means‐end analysis
In this method, start and end of the goal are identified and Some sub goals are defined. Achieving sub goals is getting closer to the main goal.
3. Divide and conquer
We can devide our main task into solvable sub tasks and solve these sub tasks.
4. Trial  and Error
 Try it and if there is an error, fix it.
5. Brainstorming

Nature of Programme

1. getting data from the user
2. processing user data inside the programme.
3. giving the output to user.

Example :
Let Say you want to multiply two numbers. These two numbers are inputs. you should give these inputs to the programme. Multiplication is done inside the programme. This process called processing data. Multiplied values are given to user. This Value is called output.

Basic Programming Concepts.

1. Sequence
2. Selection (Conditionally Selection)
3. Repeatition (Looping)
4. Functions and subroutines
5. Libraries and APIs

Structured Programming

In Sequentinal programming, Programme executes one step after the other step. Therefore some code snippets can be repeated due to sequential programming.To avoid this, Structural Programmes are come to the picture.

That's it for today. My next tutorial is about Algorithms. Please Remember that We are on the way to Learning java in step by step.


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