Tips to write a Short Story

A short story can be simply defined as a story which is written in short form but with a charming nature to attract the readers so that the person who read the story can make an impact on others by dictating the story from mouth to mouth.

A short Story starts from nowhere and ends with nowhere, and it is well focused on one incident. The mainly focused incident should be very clear, outstanding and should win the hearts of the people. For a creative writer two people talking each in a bus can be a Short Story. A Dog walking on the road can create a lovely short story. All it matters to a short story is the Incident. There can be one or many characters involved along with main character. Also it can be categorized as a type of rumor written on piece of paper or a book. Each story has its own style and the style of writing depends on the incident and writer.

Always Short things are sweet likewise a short story to be sweet it need to have attractive as well as creative words. Each story having its own specialization creates a new person in the readers mind. The expressions says what is hidden inside a person’s mind, the words detect what the person has in his mind. When writing a short story the words, sentences, phrases should be relevant to the story and each and every word should be helpful to bring the incident up unlike in a novel, a novel so many sentences and phrases which are not very relevant but in a short story every letter should contribute towards the main incident in order to keep it short.


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