How to install ntfs file system in CentOS

When the flash drive is mounted  to CentOS, the CentOs does not detect the ntfs filesystem. So the some packages need to be installed. Basically the fuse and fuse-ntfs-3g packages are needed to detect flash drives in ntfs file system.

To install the above packages, the yum command given below should be issued.
yum install fuse fuse-ntfs-3g
The following message shows  "No package fuse-ntfs-3g available"
This message arose due to the fact that the rpmforge  is not enabled in the available repositories by default or rpmforge repository is not installed. So first you should enable or install the rpmforge repository.

I have used following yum command to enable the rpmforge repository. I received the following messages. This message means rpmforge is not available in the my system.

The following command should be isuued to get the rpmforge rpm package downloaded .


 To install the downloaded rpm file, isuue this command.

 rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el7.rf.x86_64.rpm

 The package is ready to be enabled. The first command to be issued in the process of enabling.

 yum --enablerepo=rpmforge

 Now the system is ready for the installation of fuse and fuse-ntfs-3g packages.

 yum install fuse fuse-ntfs-3g

I issued both the enabling command and the installation command together. see the below output.

 You have successfully installed ntfs file system in Centos !!! Now you can mount your flash drive to the Centos System. !!!


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