Selection and Induction

Once the Recruitment Process is done the very next step to be performed is the Selection of the right candidate.
There are many ways of selecting the suitable candidate:

Reference checking
Medical Checking

By using any of these methods a qualified and experienced person can be selected. Selection should be done irrespective of age, religion and ethnicity. Usually the top Management takes the decision with the help of the Unit Manager.

Once the respective candidate is selected for the position, on the day he/she comes to work the induction or the introduction to the new Organizational culture need to be given otherwise the new person may give incorrect information about the Organization so that he will be dissatisfied on the first day itself.
There two types of Induction
General Induction
Unit Induction

General Induction- This is the method of introducing about the Organization to the new employee. Its culture, the expected behavior and briefly about the Organizational history.

Unit Induction- This is done by the head of the Unit which he is supposed to work. He has to introduce him to the new colleagues and lead the new employee to perform his duties.

The Selection and the Induction process should be done properly so that the new employee will not leave the job at early stages, If he leaves the job at early stages it is a waste of money and time of the Organization.


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