Business Leaders Lesson 1

Of every hundred new business establishments started approximately 50 or one half out of Business within two years. By the end of the 5 years, only one third of the original one hundred still be in Business”. 
George Terry

According to George Terry when a business emerges to the world most of businesses are unable to retain themselves in the world for long period of time. A major cause for this can be inefficient leadership to the Business. Most of the CEOs, Managers stay inside glass rooms and never come out to lead the employees of the Business. Leaders are emerged among any group of people. It can be from schools, universities and community. The main characteristics of a good leader is he should have followers to him who will respect him and he should be able to influence them towards achieving the common as well as individual objectives

The employees of any company are group of people working together to achieve the goals of the Company. There should a person to lead them towards these goals otherwise they will work only to achieve their goals. A good Leader is usually be able to have followers and be able to influence them. In a Business environment always the top management should be able to become good leaders as well; otherwise the goals cannot be achieved together.


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