In This tutorial, I am going to explain how to resolve merge conflicts in github. Let's how merge conflicts are come to the picture. Let say you and your friend working with a two different branches named as Branch_A and Branch_B
You working with Branch_A and your friend working on Branch_B. Your Friend working on Branch_B and merged his changes to master branch. You still work on your own Branch_A. You do not know your friend committed his change to master branch. you are in one step back from the master branch.
Then you try to merge your changes to master branch. you can not do this... because Merge Conflict !
When merge conflicts happen, conflicts markers are automatically added to conflicted file(s). See the Example below.
To Solve merge conflicts in github. do following steps.
Remove all conflict markers of the file.
Now you can add your file to master branch and commit this file to master branch.
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